Policy on AIDS
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Policy on AIDS
An AIDS policy is used to clarify a company's consistent response to issues of HIV/AIDS in the workplace. The CDC strongly recommends having an employee HIV education program available to all employees. Such an educational program can reduce fear, prevent discriminatory behavior which may invite lawsuits, and prevent loss of productivity if trouble erupts when an employee discloses his or her HIV or AIDS status.
Show compliance with the law. State that your company adheres to the Americans with Disabilities Act and its protections for people with HIV, including acceptable performance standards, nondiscrimination and reasonable accommodation.
Provide educational materials on HIV/AIDS. Policies should contain a component stating that HIV/AIDS is not transmitted through casual contact, and that employees with HIV/AIDS are not a health risk to their co-workers. Invite employees to receive more information on HIV through human resources, or state there will be regular employee education.
Protect all employees. Assure employees that their individual health status is confidential, private and not to be disclosed. Also state that the safety of all employees is of utmost importance.
Give clear direction. State where employees should go with questions about HIV transmission, and from whom supervisors should get direction on dealing with HIV issues in their department.
Disseminate policy information. Be certain all employees at all levels read and understand your AIDS policy.